Small to large progressive upgrade server question

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Small to large progressive upgrade server question

Postby computergroove » Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:37 am

I am setting up a new vicidial server and I need some advice. I am just starting a call center for the first time. I have 1 guy that will be making phone calls until we can generate enough money to sustain the cost of a T1 line for more agents. I am concerned that when my server makes a call and it makes a connection with a live person that there will be a half second or longer delay between when the person says hello and when the agent responds. I need to make this delay as short as possible. I have a phone system PBX but I am in the design phase of this project and I just want to go top of the line for quality. Any suggestions? Also, I just installed the VicidialNOW and I can connect to the webserver but both links on the screen bring me to a page cannot be found. Is there a manual for this product? I read that the manual was free with a survey so I filled it out but it only has a small portion of the manual for download. Where do I go to configure the options for vicidial? I found the /var/www/html but I dont want to screw anything up. I figure that there is a program for configuring it other than coding html raw. Please Help
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Small to large progressive upgrade server question

Postby williamconley » Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:41 am

I guess this means you got your server network card to work. Where do those links send you (Post the URLs)?

Also: When you are clicking on those links ... what is your URL? (Post that, too) Can you find that PHP page in your /var/www/html structure so we can find out where the mapping went wrong or find out what's missing? (post the full path to that file).

I have found that the delay is often a matter of training the Agent to BEGIN SPEAKING immediately upon hearing the "tone".

Sorry I can't be of more help, but I haven't used vicidialNOW yet. But with that info posted, when someone else sees your post they may be able to help you. And, who knows, maybe you'll find your problem just getting that info.

If you change a file, remember to make a copy of it as ".old" first and THEN edit it. So you can always go back.

Good luck.
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Postby gardo » Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:13 pm

The exact URLs for accessing vicidial web gui on vicidialnow:

http://ip_address/vicidial/admin.php (admin side)
http://ip_address/agc/vicidial.php (agent side)
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Postby williamconley » Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:08 pm

ok, and now
1) the local file and it's path that you're on when viewing these links? (/var/www/html/..../..?) filename and full path.

2) the URL you are on when clicking on those two links.

It's probably a simple problem.
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Postby gardo » Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:21 pm

it's under "/var/www/html/". that's the default directory on centos for apache. for configuring vicidial, the config file is "/etc/astguiclient.conf". for asterisk it's config files are located under "/etc/asterisk".
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Postby computergroove » Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:03 am

I got the links to work. I scrubbed the hard drive and did a fresh install and configured the network and I was able to get into the login screen from another terminal fine. I imagine that there were residual files left over from my first attempt of installing asterisk.
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