1 DSL line 6down/768 up and a cable internet 8down/768 up

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1 DSL line 6down/768 up and a cable internet 8down/768 up

Postby computergroove » Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:22 pm

I am making a 12 agent call center and I want to know if its a miserable idea to use 6 agents on an existing DSL PRO package with 6mn down and 768 up and another 6 on a cable connection that has 8mb download and 768 up. I already understand that the connection is not as reliable as a T1 but I am just starting and I need to keep the costs down if possible. I want to use IAX2 with soft phones. How many servers should I use if I do it this way? How should I configure it? I would rather not have to use remote agents if all the agents are in the same room. I am thinking of using a Dual WAN Router.
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Postby mflorell » Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:03 am

One new server should handle the load of 12 agents, I would recommend getting both DSL and cable if you can afford it since one of them will go down at least oncce a month if it's anything like my area.
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