by jsuds » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:21 am
The company I'm working at will be moving their offices soon. It's not worth moving the old nortel pbx and existing dialer system imo. So, I started messing around with asterisk and ordered a couple of sip trunks so that I can hopefully have it running next week. I'm planning to do limited testing of asterisk first, and then if the owners are happy with call quality (they're nervous about voip), I will move the rest of the company over to the asterisk system. After that, I'd need to be thinking about switching to vicidial.
I'm not sure how much money I have to play with yet. Right now, I have no spare servers, and the budget is very tight right now. Even my UPS is basically shot and unreliable.
What I do have is a Dell Poweredge 2950 running Virtual Iron (competitor to vmware). It's configured with one dual-core Xeon 5200 (i can add a second if i ever need it), 4GB, and a 150GB Raid 5 array composed of 3 15k SAS disks + a 300 GB Raid 1 array from 10k disks. It's currently hosting a domain controller, exchange server, and an sql server. The cpu usage is low, so I could easily double the memory for a few hundred bucks, and add another drive for mysql.
The reason I like this option is that it has redundant everything, and a DRAC card so that I can have full control and even power-cycle it from remote locations (i'm the only it guy and i do all their programming and networking and am away a lot). I also need to buy a ups... So add in another 1000 bucks. It would be nice if the ups just had to worry about powering one system and could keep it up for a long time (especially if it's our pbx). And, down the road if I need more capacity (and there's more money), I can always add another server and move the virtual machines to it.
The system will need to handle 20-25 people on the dialer + 15-20 regular phone users. At the beginning it will be 15 phone + 20dialer and i'm planning on 30 sip trunks.
So the VMs I'm thinking of are:
-asterisk+vici: 1.5GB, share the 300gb raid 1 array for VM/recordings storage
-apache/mysql: 2GB, dedicated 15k drive
The other benefit to me is that I would like to get another poweredge server once money becomes available. That way I would have an easy upgrade path for all of my VMs if the current system becomes bogged down. There would be no need to re-install or reconfigure. I would be able to click a button to move it from one node to the other without any downtime.
Thoughts? Sure, I could build a cheap system for 1k bucks, but i would have to spend more to get the redundancy and remote access I can already get with the dell. My budge is going to be very tight and we also have to replace the phones and headsets, which will all add up.