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G729 evaluation question

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:58 am
by computergroove
I have downloaded the g729 codec from Digium and I read somewhere that I can test the quality of the voice communication without having to purchase a license. Can anyone tell me how to start using the codec without having to register it? I am using the vicidialnow installation and I have done the following:

1. Get the installation packages:
cd /root
wget ... m4m.tar.gz
tar xzvf codec_g729a_v34_pentium4m.tar.gz
wget ... 2/register

2. Copy the codec to the right location:
cp /root/codec_g729a_v34_pentium4m/ /usr/lib/asterisk/modules

3. Change the permissions:
chmod 500 /root/register
chown root.root /root/register

The last thing the instruction say to do is to open prot 443 (which I have done) and register the program. We want to hear the quality of a call before we commit. Is there a way to test this before we buy a license for each terminal?

Also, we are on a network with computers that are not going to be used for vicidial at all. Do I need to do anything special for my license not to assume some of these extra computers mac address of the ethernet cards?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:06 am
by ramindia

yes the register program registers with official site
and register with MAC address of the Public network card

if you change the network card you need to re-register
contact the suppoprt team.

once you register, copy that in to the asterisk modules directory
as mentioned in the document.

restart the asterisk, to enable to g729 codec

you can see the module loaded by issueing

> show codec g729 ---- at console

then configure sip.conf for g729 codec
and test, once you are satisfactory you can buy the license

Note: iam not sure is Digium give trail period.


PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:47 pm
by Op3r
You need to use your registration keys in order for g729 to work.

as for the usage, you just need to set it up so that your server going to the provider will only use g729 and use ulaw and alaw from your server to the agents stations.

I never heard of digium giving out trials for g729. You either use it or not. on the another note, you dont need to test g729 because it is already proven to decrease the bandwidth demand.