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Press release on vicidial

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:16 pm
by gdido

We have developed a telecommunication billing software dedicated to call center. It allows to follow activity and analyse operating budget.

We have just implemented an interface to vicidial for the needs of our customers. We simply access the database to get the call details and compute in our software.

Now we want to publish a press release and talking about vicidial.

My question is : Do we have the rights to make a citation on vicidial ?

Thanks for your answers ;)


PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:44 pm
by mflorell
VICIDIAL is a registered trademark and you must use the registered trademark when you mention VICIDIAL in published media like a press release.

We actually have a trademark policy that you can read that goes over acceptable use of VICIDIAL: ... =Trademark