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Postby kpanik » Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:52 am

in the next one snapshot, will be available the predictive automatic?
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Postby mflorell » Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:13 am

I have a framework for adaptive dialing, but have not started programming it yet. I have several client projects to complete and I need to finish the new organization, directory structure and installation process for astGUIclient 2.0 before I start on the adaptive dialing functions.

All of these changes will be incorporated into the 2.0 tree of astGUIclient. We may do a maintenance release of 1.1.12 if more bugs are found but there will not be any releases of the 1.X tree with new features.

The first snapshot of 2.0 should be released some time in August. I'm not sure if the next snapshot will have adaptive dialing in it or not.
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Postby enjay » Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:42 am

exciting news, love to help (I know where mantis is..)

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Postby mflorell » Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:54 am

I am now working out of SVN so you can see changes as they are made:
svn:// # 1.x tree of astguiclient
svn:// # 2.x tree of astguiclient

2.0 code is not functional right now until the install script is finished.

As for help, we do need all of the AGI and perl scripts converted from Net::MySQL to DBI DBD::mysql if you have time to pick up a script and start converting it.

Make sure you document if you start converting one so noone duplicates your efforts.

The new versions of the scripts in DBI should show up in the DBI-scripts folder of the 1.X SVN and on the bugtracker in mantis.

In 2.0, DBI will be manditory so as soon as it is converted the DBI version goes in the bin folder.
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Postby austin.rock9 » Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:23 am

mflorell wrote:I have a framework for adaptive dialing, but have not started programming it yet. I have several client projects to complete and I need to finish the new organization, directory structure and installation process for astGUIclient 2.0 before I start on the adaptive dialing functions.

All of these changes will be incorporated into the 2.0 tree of astGUIclient. We may do a maintenance release of 1.1.12 if more bugs are found but there will not be any releases of the 1.X tree with new features.

The first snapshot of 2.0 should be released some time in August. I'm not sure if the next snapshot will have adaptive dialing in it or not.

What is adaptive dialer ?? What is the difference between Predictvie dialer and adaptive dialer ?
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Postby mflorell » Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:18 am

"Adaptive" is just a better word for how predictive dialing works:
"the capacity to learn; the ability to convert constants and state variables to control variables"

It's basically the same thing as what most people understand "Predictive Dialing" to be.
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