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Can Vicidial Support 750 simultanious voip calls?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:50 pm
by TritenTech

Can Vicidial handle up to 750 concurrent voip calls? No recording.

If so what hardware would be needed? Any special modifications to the Vici for handleing that high of vulume/processes? Which Vicidial? 2.0.4? SVN?

I have a Intel Quad core 3GHZ. 2 Gg ram

100 MB bandwidth.

Thanks in advance?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:01 pm
by mflorell
If you have multiple servers then yes you could place 750 simultaneous outbound phone calls, or even twice that if you wanted to. You just need to have enough dialers to handle the load.

One server is not going to be enough.

What kind of dialing exactly will you be doing?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:45 pm
by williamconley
Are you sure one dialer isn't enough? I mean ... an 8 processor 3.3GHz Xeon with a BUNCH of RAM may do it.

On the other hand, that would also cost quite a bit more money (How much would that COST, Whoa!) than 8 Core2 Quads with 100 lines each on them, and would have NO room for error because a down system is 0 lines, and an up system is 800 lines. Whereas with 8 Core2 Quads you have 8 servers and a down server takes you from 800 lines to 700 lines.

Hm. Maybe multiple machines would be better.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:39 pm
by mcargile
I highly doubt a single system could handle this.

I have done many high volume systems before. With a dual quad core system with 16 gigs of ram we were able to handle two octal T1 cards, we were able to get it do dial out with all 16 T1s (368 channels). This required extensive OS and kernel tweaks and some very creative changes to the standard Vicidial dialplan and Vicidial code. Some of which eventually made it into the actual Vicidial code.

The big issue is that with Vicidial for every outbound channel being placed in a predictive fashion there are actually up to 4 channels in Asterisk. This means that 8 core system was handling as much as 1472 channels inside asterisk at one time. This causes deadlocks and very "interesting" warnings that you never see otherwise.

Believe me it is far more cost effective to go with multiple quad core systems with 4 gigs of RAM. Not only are the hardware costs cheaper, but the amount of time you save on tweaking more than makes up for the extra systems.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:55 am
by cristian
williamconley and I were just talking about this. Let me dig out the email.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:07 am
by cristian
here it is:

The reason that ps -ax, top and others wont show the supposed threads is the *kernel* only sees one thread. All scheduling (threading) is internal to the asterisk process. Hence, as far as the kernel is concerned, asterisk 1.2 is not multi-threaded. As you cannot run a thread on multiple processors using virtualization or a chroot to run multiple asterisk instances is the only way I see to exceed that and utilize the other cores. I dont know how you could have a 200 seat install without doing so or having multiple asterisk boxes.

All inadequacies and mistakes are mine.

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