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Can someone pls explain cdr-csv?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:27 am
by DarnoQ
Could someone please explain me discrepancies in asterisk, cdr-csv, and provider stats.

I've got sth like this in asterisk cdr: ... utput=html
The vicidial_log tells that this call laster for 225 sec. In call_log I've got 181 sec. Vicidial agent log tells that there was 7 sec of wait and 227 of talk. And provider billed me for 179 sec.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:28 am
by mflorell
You are never going to get 100% accuracy with Asterisk CDR records and carrier billing, especially using ViciDial. If you are worried about billing accuracy I would suggest putting a proxy or gateway server like OpenSIPs in front of your dialer, it can provide accurate connect billing CDR information.

The call_log is probably the closest you are going to get in the ViciDial logs, vicidial_log, vicidial_closer_log and vicidial_agent_log will show you the talk time according to the agent screen, not telco.

In SVN trunk we have done a fairly good job of getting closer to 99.9% accuracy, but with carriers you are never sure exactly how a particular carrier accounts for connect time.