recording retrieving per each call

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recording retrieving per each call

Postby thomaslly » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:13 am

Hello Gurus,

we provided a customized vicidial 2.0.4rc3 system for our client to perform some kind of survery with auto calls.

the client request us to save survery result for each call, and link it to recording, the supervisor will check each survery result ,and listen to the recording. However, each lead will be called many times, we can maintain the link for each call by lookup uniqueid in call_log and make it reference to the survey record. but for recording, it seems we can not use unique id for reference and maintain the link to each call.

we wish the uniqueid field can be created and maintained in record_log table , we checked the below posting , ... g+uniqueid

we use asterisk 1.2.17 now, can we have such a solution created? even for manual dial? if we can grab the uniqueid after channel answer?

For currently we have to retrieve the recording by matching a combination of lead id and time range, I think this is not good really.


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Postby mflorell » Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:28 am

the SVN trunk version has a direct link from the recording_log entries to their associated vicidial_log or vicidial_closer_log records. This is the vicidial_id field in the recording_log table.
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