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Various questions about localization!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:36 am
by DarknessBBB
Hi, this is mainly for Matt, but obviously everyone can answer :D

1) I see that I can choose from AM/PM style to 24 hour style in system settings, but callbacks still remain at AM/PM. Is this ok?

2) In italian translated client page lot of words are not translated at all. I can't find them in it_languate.txt. Have I to simply add them to the bottom of the file?

3) When I choose a disposition at the bottom I can read "WEB INVIA" than means "SEND WEB". I want to use only "INVIA". In it_language.txt WEB and INVIA are on two separate rows. Have I to modify the dispo page itself?

4) Admin translation in very painful :D Is it ok if I start to translate only the interface leaving the help in english?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:51 pm
by mflorell
admin.php version and build?

Please add the missing words and the it_language.txt file.

There already is an Italian Admin translation, but it isn't very good, are you working from the existing it_language_admin.txt file?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:20 am
by DarknessBBB
Thanks Matt
VERSION: 2.4-238
BUILD: 100127-1546

In example the callback page is not translated at all in agc_it directory!

I'm translating the admin file from spanish. But maybe it could be better to start from the english one...

3) I would try to add this feature: a note for every disposition to be written in the dispo page. Where can I learn the flow of datas when a disposition is made? It can be made from me or is it too much complex?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:25 pm
by mflorell
what language are you translating the admin interface into?

a disposition note is a good idea, have you checked if there is already an issue tracker entry for this? If not please put an entry in there. It wouldn't take much to add it since I already added another table to handle call notes(vicidial_call_notes) to the DB schema.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:23 am
by DarknessBBB
I'm translating it in the italian language ;-)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:57 pm
by DarknessBBB
mflorell wrote:what language are you translating the admin interface into?

a disposition note is a good idea, have you checked if there is already an issue tracker entry for this? If not please put an entry in there. It wouldn't take much to add it since I already added another table to handle call notes(vicidial_call_notes) to the DB schema.

lol Matt I've entried an issue tracker for both 24 hours callback and for the disposition's note thing years ago :lol:

Is the patch still working with the SVN version? You said "it needs to be an option in the admin.php page as well." Do you mean the option to switch from AM/PM and back? I think I can do it shortly. Where can I store this in option in order to read it in the agent page and show the appropriate version?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:40 pm
by mflorell
Yes, this would need to go in the system_settings table as an option.

As for the Italian Admin translation, why not work from the existing Italian admin translation doc instead of Spanish?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:56 pm
by DarknessBBB
Ok Matt, I'll try to do this!
Just last thing, I see that in the callback screen the names of months are taken directly from PHP with getdate(). The array with months, correctly translated, is not used at all.

I'm using the spanish translation because some words are very difficult to translate in Italian, often there's not a single word in italian with the same meaning so I have to use a whole phrase. Reading the spanish translation, quite similar to the italian, is useful ;-)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:00 am
by DarknessBBB
mflorell wrote:what language are you translating the admin interface into?

a disposition note is a good idea, have you checked if there is already an issue tracker entry for this? If not please put an entry in there. It wouldn't take much to add it since I already added another table to handle call notes(vicidial_call_notes) to the DB schema.

Hi Matt, I can't find this table in 2.2.0 RC6.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:47 pm
by mflorell
It's not in the 2.2.0 branch because it was added in February. It's in SVN/trunk(2.4 branch)