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manual dial bug

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 3:56 pm
by Op3r
aspitzer reported an interesting bug to me.

He found out that when you turn off the style sheet on the browser when logged as an agent all the links shows up and you can manual dial.

here are the steps:

1. Log into vici

2. While on pause go to ‘View’ > ‘Page Style’ > and click ‘No Style’

3. Click ‘Manual Dial’

4. Go back to ‘view’ > ‘page style’ > and ‘default’

5. Click ‘Dial Now’

6. Click ‘Alt Phone Dial’ check box

7. Type in phone number you want to call in “Alt. Phone” box next to the original phone number

8. Click ‘hang up’

9. Click ‘Alt Phone’ link at the top of the screen

10. And now you are dialing the alternate phone number

I have submitted this to the tracker

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 4:10 pm
by mflorell
Wow, that makes for a very interesting page view. Any workarounds for this that will shut down this ability?

You can easily restrict Manual dialing in the campaign to non-DNC and list-only phone numbers so that will help to reduce the impact of this being abused.

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 4:34 pm
by Op3r
alex spitzer told me this "if we run ie in kiosk mode or use group policy to block the "view" menu it's not a big deal but still, it's an interesting hack"