Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
the asterisk manager port caps out
if ($input_lines[$ILcount] =~ /State: Up/)
if ($command_line[2] =~ /Channel: /i)
$channel = $command_line[2];
$channel =~ s/Channel: |\s*$//gi;
$callid = $command_line[5];
$callid =~ s/CallerIDName: |\s*$//gi;
$callid =~ s/^\"//gi; $callid =~ s/\".*$//gi;
$uniqueid = $command_line[6];
$uniqueid =~ s/SrcUniqueID: |\s*$//gi;
$stmtA = "UPDATE vicidial_manager set status='UPDATED', channel='$channel', uniqueid = '$uniqueid' where server_ip = '$server_ip' and callerid = '$callid' and status='SENT';";
print STDERR "|$stmtA|\n";
my $affected_rows = $dbhA->do($stmtA);
if($DB){print "|$affected_rows Conference DIALs updated|\n";}
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