Need Custom Programming for new Vici Dial features

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Need Custom Programming for new Vici Dial features

Postby Matt » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:39 pm

Hi Matt We are running more than 500 agent on vici Dial

you can email me the system will not let me post just use the email in my profile I would like to setup all call to discuss our requirements and also maybe you can make so recomendations Please give me
estimates for the different feature and time lines listed below

240 per server Dell 24 core 2.4 xeons latest version of Vici Dial Main database combine webserver 15 sas hard drives
web server is used on the database server we performance seam to be good. We have not yet tried to go above the 240 number
our dialers are qc 4 2 processor 7200 rpm drive 8gig ram 2.4 xeon 2.4 e5150 processors
we use a max of 28 agents per dialer running up to 9 line per agent
most dialer are limit to 20 agents
We have been running this setup for more than a week and every thing seam to be running verywell
we are using per 6 i I read on the forum you recommend Mega raid
we are still waiting to find out is the server can be upgrade with those cards
Below is our manual process I would like to have you do some custom
programming to make managing the dialer more easier
We would like to create advanced list management system
to work of one DB and comunicated with dialers and campaign
we can create rule based on what we are doing below and have the
main database update all dialer campaign
also create rule based on a campaign how many line to use and to automaticly
adjust drop percentages
Our biggest issue are creating advanced list issue based on list or campaign
every campaign we run is different and after we evaluate the best setting we can create the rules
We also need to be able to set a time fuction on how long to wait before trying a number again
We also need a rotating caller id based on last call
so when we call a client again we want a different caller id to be used
currently we use around 400 different did all based on area codes
I would like to use around 3000 caller ids and also have the caller id rotation based on
We would like to have a dead call reset option after x seconds it would automaticly put the
agent back in que this would be the same for dispo and pause status. We send to much time
policing agents. Our programmer developed something before that run in the back ground of the browser but we would like to make these campaign based settings
the last thing is to have an api plug in for our crm to ad an id to each recording then have and automtic ftp function for the recording to be up load to a certain ftp based on an ID passed in the database so we would predfine ftps in the database the depending what id we pass it would upload directly to the certain ftp it should be sent
the last thing are time zone filtering based on priority rules
so if a certain time zone runs out of leads it will switch to the next rule
and if a time zone has a higher priority and there are leads in that time zone
it will dial it. However it can be controlled by lead rules such as call counts amount of times
a person is called and other rules list below in our manaul stuff we are doing now

Dialer Setup

New Data Starts at 2 line to 2.5 lines
Data is reset max 2 times
FIrst reset Dropc NA Eri & Drop Line raise to 6 lines
second data reset lines raise to 9
Reset Dropc NA Eri & Drop
After 2nd reset leads run out
Data is no longer new it goes into data cue all list are enabled
by defualt list that are no longer new the dialer is
set to Max call count 3 once list is more than 40% perentrate
this will then raise to 4 and so Until call count Reachs 5 times until list is 90% pentrated
After this Data is Moved to trainee dialers everything called over 5 times
So this will be a data export to figure this out which will require a data dump
This data will now also be added to Edu Dialer as well as trainee and should be delete from .5 & .6
NI & Rtalk dispo will be quiryed every 14 days and 10 days added to NI & Rtalk list
Training Data is Move to .101 once we fill up .101 we will have a new training server which data will be moved 1 last time to the final training dial which is not built out yet and we are
3 weeks away from
as we build up more the same policy will apply above for Que data
reset lines raise to 9
Reset Dropc NA Eri & Drop
After reset leads run out
Data is no longer new it goes into data cue all list are enabled
by defualt list that are no longer new the dialer is
set to Max call count 3 once list is more than 40% perentrate
this will then raise to 4 and so Until call count Reachs 5 times until list is 90% pentrated
After this Data is Moved to trainee dialers everything called over 5 times
So this will be a data export to figure this out which will require a data dump
This data will now also be added to Edu Dialer as well as trainee and should be delete from .

Drop percentage needs to be monitored and raise or lowered by 2 point depending on dialer performance
Setting are last call dialed
adapt average
calls placed
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Re: Need Custom Programming for new Vici Dial features

Postby williamconley » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:43 pm

1) Welcome to the Party! 8-) (Despite the double post ...)

2) when you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method and vicidial version with build.

this IS a requirement for posting along with reading the stickies (at the top of each forum) and the manager's manual (available on, both free and paid versions)

You should also post: Asterisk version, telephony hardware (model number is helpful here), cluster information if you have one, and whether any other software is installed in the box. If your installation method is "from scratch" you must post your operating system and should also post the .iso version from which you installed your original operating system. If your installation is "Hosted" list the site name of the host.

If this is a "Cloud" or "Virtual" server, please note the technology involved along with the version of that techology (ie: VMware Server Version 2.0.2). If it is not, merely stating the Motherboard model # and CPU would be helpful.

Similar to This:

Vicibox X.X from .iso | Vicidial X.X.X-XXX Build XXXXXX-XXXX | Asterisk X.X.X | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel DG35EC | Core2Quad Q6600

3) If you simply want services from The Vicidial Group ... you could call them and request a quotation of course.

4) We've (PoundTeam, that is) done some Dynamic CallerID provisioning with APIs (purchase the DID, provision it at the carrier, provision it inside Vicidial and add it to a campaign as a CallerID matched to the Area Code of the Call Recipient) on earlier versions of Vicidial. Since then there have been some added features in this department (AC-CID = Area Code CallerID in Campaign settings) to simplify this process (among many other areas of improvement, as Vicidial continually evolves). But automation is not yet available within Vicidial for many of these tasks. So having it added would make many users happy, I'm sure. We've also created many other automated systems within Vicidial and connecting to 3rd party software to "make this run smoothly".

If, however, you want direct attention from Matt (understandable), you should seriously consider calling and asking for a quotation.
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Re: Need Custom Programming for new Vici Dial features

Postby Matt » Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:23 am

Well I thought I posted most of the info centos 6.3 astericks latest version and lastest install of Vici dial. We already have a support contract with vici group these are all dedicated box no clould or vm ware. We want get in direct contact with Matt for a quote on all the feature posted. Do we do that through the vici group ?
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Re: Need Custom Programming for new Vici Dial features

Postby Michael_N » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:17 am

Yes since you have a contract with vicidial group it would be a good idea to ask them for a price.

Ofcource you could also ask an independet programmer.
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Re: Need Custom Programming for new Vici Dial features

Postby mflorell » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:35 am

Just send an email to and you can go over your requirements.
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