Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
www/agc_se/vdc_db_query.php:8439: ### BEGIN Call Notes Logging ###
www/agc_se/vdc_db_query.php:8465: ### END Call Notes Logging ###
www/agc_se/vdc_script_notes.php:320:echo "<title>ViciDial Notes";
www/agc_se/vdc_script_notes.php:603:<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=2><FONT FACE="ARIAL,HELVETICA" size=2>Appointment Notes:<BR><TEXTAREA NAME=call_notes ID=call_notes ROWS=5 COLS=50><?php echo $call_notes ?></TEXTAREA></font><br>
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:9900: document.getElementById("PerCallNotesContent").innerHTML = "<br /><b><font size=\"3\">Samtalsanteckningar: </font></b><br /><textarea name=\"call_notes_dispo\" id=\"call_notes_dispo\" rows=\"2\" cols=\"100\" class=\"cust_form_text\" value=\"\">" + document.vicidial_form.call_notes.value + "</textarea>";
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:9904: document.getElementById("PerCallNotesContent").innerHTML = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"call_notes_dispo\" id=\"call_notes_dispo\" value=\"\" />";
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:12703: function VieWNotesLoG(logframe)
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:12705: showDiv('CalLNotesDisplaYBox');
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:12737: document.getElementById('CallNotesSpan').innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText + "\n";
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:13213: hideDiv('CalLNotesDisplaYBox');
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:13238: hideDiv('CallNotesButtons');
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:14536: {echo "<br /><span id=\"CallNotesButtons\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"VieWNotesLoG();return false;\">visa anteckningar</a></span> ";}
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:14542: echo " </td><td align=\"left\" colspan=5><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"call_notes\" id=\"call_notes\" value=\"\" /><span id=\"CallNotesButtons\"></span>\n";
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:14990: <span id="PerCallNotesContent"><input type="hidden" name="call_notes_dispo" id="call_notes_dispo" value="" /></span>
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:15297:<span style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;z-index:<?php $zi++; echo $zi ?>;" id="CalLNotesDisplaYBox">
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:15298: <table border="1" bgcolor="#CCFFCC" width="<?php echo $CAwidth ?>px" height="<?php echo $WRheight ?>px"><tr><td align="center" valign="top"> LOGG FÖR SAMTALSANTECKNINGAR: <a href="#" onclick="hideDiv('CalLNotesDisplaYBox');return false;">close [X]</a><br />
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:15303: <div class="scroll_calllog" id="CallNotesSpan"> Lista för samtalsanteckningar </div>
www/agc_se/vicidial.php:15305: <a href="#" onclick="hideDiv('CalLNotesDisplaYBox');return false;">Stäng Info Box</a>
if ($file[$LINESct] !~ /^\#|^\s*function |'INCALL'|'PAUSED'|'READY'|'NEW'|xmlhttp|ILPV |ILPA |SELECT cmd_line_f|=\"SELECT|Header\(\"/)
changing the translation.txt-files removing one-word translations
grep -v 'agc|' = dont check the special ***FILES*** rows
cut -d'|' -f1 = look for the english word thats gonna be translated
grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^*' = dont check commented rows or special rows
grep -v ' ' = dont check translations with space, because functions and variable names normally don't contain spaces
sed 's/\"/\\\"/g' = set " to \" to make the grep look for strings with quotes like "JAN"
grep --color -n -e = color to make the string easy to spot, -n to view the row-number, -e to be able to search for strings containing - like -READY
cat translations/se_language.txt | grep -v 'agc|' | cut -d'|' -f1 | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^*' | grep -v ' ' | sed 's/\"/\\\"/g' | xargs -I {} grep --color -n -e '{}' www/agc/*.php
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