Simple Database Connection Error

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Simple Database Connection Error

Postby Leylo93 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:25 am

Forgive me if any of the following information is confusing, I'm very new to diallers and vicidial and etc, however as part of my job I have been tasked with modifying the appearance of the GUI for a client. This is a simple case of changing the html, php and css that I downloaded as part of astGUIclient 2.7 and am 'hosting' on wampserver to parse the php.

I was also told to download something called "GoAutoDial" and run it in VMware, which I did, set up and logged in to. However when I attempt to go further than the welcome screen on the GUI (running in chrome), I get PHP errors all over the place. The most common one is "Access denied for user 'cron'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\wamp\www\www\agc\dbconnect.php on line 48"

Anyone care to shed some light on this for me?
Help is greatly appreciated :)
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Re: Simple Database Connection Error

Postby mcargile » Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:54 pm

Well for starters it looks like you are trying to run this from a Windows machine:


The code is hard coded to look for the config file at /etc/astguiclient.conf which is a Unix file path. Run under Windows it will be unable to find its config file and thus cannot connect to the database. Vicidial is designed to be run specifically on Linux. Running GoAutoDial or Vicibox in VMware is also not recommend as it adds an extra layer of process preemption to the mix that can cause all sorts of problems.

My recommendation would be to first get dedicated hardware for your installation and install Vicibox on it.
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Re: Simple Database Connection Error

Postby Leylo93 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:16 am

Ah I see. So assuming I have installed Vicibox on a dedicated piece of hardware and connected everything, where do all the php and perl files I got from astGUIclient go? On the dialler server I'm assuming but obviously I can't just put them on there and hope for the best, do I need to set up any specific web server or anything?
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Re: Simple Database Connection Error

Postby DomeDan » Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:10 am

Download and install vicibox on some hardware and start experimenting in the /srv/www/htdocs/ directory (/agc/ and /vicidial/ is there),
if you insist on using goautodial (yeah it got a pretty gui so you wont need to modify it that much :P )then the web directory might be somewhere else, maybe /var/www/

If you choose vicibox I suggest you use and edit the latest code from the svn trunk
and create patch-files so you can update vicidial and patch it with your code changes
but with goautodial you should just copy the html/php and edit that
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Re: Simple Database Connection Error

Postby gardo » Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:02 am

In GOautodial, you can edit the files in /var/www/html. The GOautodial applcations (GOadmin and GOreports) are coded using the PHP framework Code Igniter. So if you're familiar with the framework, you can easily navigate and modify the GOautodial applications.
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