2x 4 Server Cluster Project

Discussions about development of VICIDIAL and astGUIclient

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2x 4 Server Cluster Project

Postby Lukeyyz » Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:03 am


I'm looking of setting up the following clusters with the same specification:

1 Dedicated DB
1 Dedicated WEB
4 Asterisk Server

Is there anyway to have one of the clusters as a main dialler and another one as a backup and be able to increment a backup every 24-48 hours and be able to switch over to the other dialler with a flick of a switch.

Is this possible? I understand this would mean some development. But if I've put this in the wrong section please do tell me!
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Re: 2x 4 Server Cluster Project

Postby Vince-0 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:04 am

There are already features for fail-over purposes. I don't think your requirements require development but "flick of a switch" remains open to interpretation.

Look at "Active Twin Server IP" options on the Asterisk servers. You can also use phone aliases to have phones registered to two Asterisk servers in case one fails - this is probably more what you are looking for.

As for the database server, you can replicate to a slave database on the fly and switch its IP to the master's IP if there is a master database server failure.
The web server can be clustered or hot-spared like any Apache web server. In fact you can run the web application from more than one server concurrently.

It is up to you to facilitate the "flick of a switch" operation with some of the above options.

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