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New Feature: Position, Company and Website Fields

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:37 am
by chrism
Hi Guys,

I have a feature path that I have coded and would like to submit for post 2.0.5 that adds the following to the Vicidial, AGC and all import routines:

    Added Position Field (i.e. President, etc.)
    Added Company Field (i.e. My Company)
    Added Website Field (i.e.
    Increased the input size of First Name and Last Name fields
    Updated embedded help documentation to reflect these changes.

What is the process for reviewing or submitting?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:04 pm
by mflorell
All you have to do is make a patch or patches that will apply to SVN trunk, then post them to a new issue in the issue tracker and post the link to that here. Then I will take a look and tell you if anything needs to be change for inclusion.