Has anyone suggested loading vicidial into a framework like Drupal? I know that CMS's have a heavy Overhead, so the answer seems obvious. I just wanted to know if there was more.
I am curious about some of the style of coding in the scripts and I wondered if this is just your style or if there is some performance enhancement.
1. Function Modules. I noticed that there is little use of functions in the scripts. I like to reuse code as much as possible, is that a mistake? The only problem I have with functions is passing all the Global Vars needed to make it work.
2. While loops on SQL with limit 1. Why not just test for a record and grab the array?
3. > or < instead of ==. I noticed that when checking flags, that the tendency is to see if the number is greater than 0.
4. When parsing the Get/Post variables, why not load them into any array? I use:
//Load all Data into an array
$g = array_change_key_case($_GET,CASE_LOWER);
} else {
$g = array_change_key_case($_POST,CASE_LOWER);
I guess it is a little messy with $g['something'], but seems to limit my spelling mistakes and is a little easier to read???.
5. In vicidial.php why not seperate the javascript functions into a functions.js script and just include it?
6. I know that someone mentioned skinning and I think I saw a mockup that looked good. Has there been any interest or progress in this? This idea could also flow into the Drupal idea, at least for the admin section??
What kind of IDE software do you use to Code/Debug, Etc.? I am using Rapid PHP 2008 and notepad++ on a MS Vista Box. Is there something better that you like or recommend?
I hope non of this offends you. if yes, please delete this post.