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Help testing new 2.2.0RC1

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:17 pm
by mflorell
We just posted 2.2.0 RC 1 to sourceforge

Please test it out if you can and we should be able to do a full release in the next few days.

List of changes can be found here: ... hp?p=39530

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:31 pm
by aouyar
Hi Matt,

There are certain items that I would really like to have fixed before the final 2.2 release.

I think it is very important to get the gettext based internationalization code in for the 2.2 release:
I can update the patch for the last revision for 2.2 this weekend.

I have a client that is using Manual Dialing (Dial Next Number / Manual Dial / Fast Dial) and Click2Dial from CRM extensively and there are some serious usability problems. I think it is important that the most critical issues be addressed before the release. I understand that some of the changes required for a definitive solution can be quite invasive, but simple workarounds can fix the majority of the issues. The issues in manual dialing are listed below ordered by priority:

* In Manual Dial the system does not convey the call termination cause to agent. In calls through PRI, the call simply hangs and the line stays silent and the agent cannot identify disconnected numbers. The issue and a possible solution is documented in the Bug Tracker:

* ALT Number Dialing cannot be disabled for Dial Next Number, Manual Dial and Fast Dial:

* There are two issues related to handling of channels for Manual Dial Calls. Dead Call detection does not work for Manual Dial skewing reports. and Volume Control Buttons do not work causing inconveniences for end users:

* There are some inconsistencies in reports for ALT Number Dialing for Manual Dial. These are not major issues, and a workaround is to disable ALT Number Dialing from agent interface in campaign configuration, but because of the bug in disabling ALT DIAL it becomes a mayor annoyance. The issues in reports are documented in Mantis a follows:

Carrier Logging can be improved with a simple patch documented in Mantis:

I will be glad to collaborate as much as I can for the solution of the documented issues.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:09 pm
by mflorell
I will respond to each of these within their tickets on Mantis. Thanks!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:13 pm
by aouyar
Hi Matt,

Please check the following thread for updated information on the gettext based internationalization code: ... php?t=8487

Have a nice day

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:28 pm
by aouyar
Most of the issues in 2.2rc1 documented in my post on January the 8th have been fixed in 2.2rc3, but I have discovered some issues in recording of pauses of agents in Agent Log, that cause inconsistencies in reporting of pauses.

The issues are registered in Mantis as follows:

I will be glad to collaborate as much as I can for the solution of the documented issues.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:31 pm
by aouyar
I've finally have gone through my personal bug and wishlist items for 2.2 and I've managed to get all the cases registered in Mantis. The feature requests might be left for 2.4, but I hope we can get the documented bugs fixed before the release of 2.2.

I would like to collaborate as much as I can to get these bugs fixed. I will be sending patches for some of the bugs in the course of the week.
