VERSION: 2.6-373a
BUILD: 120810-1018
Install VIcibox Server
Installed with ViciBox.i686-4.0.1.iso
I don't see this feature as an ostensible option but know that there are many ways to work around something so wanted to see if someone has come up with something to make this work.
This is for an inbound campaign.
What I would like to do is hold a call in queue before I give the call to a level 2 ranked user.
Example. Call comes in, all #1 ranked reps are on the phone, three level 2 reps are available. Call will still "hold" for up to 30 seconds to see if a #1 ranked rep becomes available. If not call goes to level 2.
(tip for other call centers out there, if I play a ringing sound instead of music they will all wait thinking they haven't connected yet)
Main reason for this is that I have my best sales performers (for the day) ranked at number 1. I know my callers will wait 30 seconds so I would like to hold that call for at least 30 seconds to see if a level 1 agent becomes available first before sending it to level 2 (who I know won't convert the call nearly as well).
I know I could make an ingroup that comprises only the best reps and drop to an ingroup of inferior reps after 30 seconds. Then put the best at level 1 ranking and the inferior at level 2. to achieve this. But I prefer not to use multiple ingroups as it makes it more difficult for my managers to disseminate the reports, IE it duplicates total calls, having to use 2 fronter closer reports and adding them together, etc. Also Having to rank people across 2 ingroups hourly.
Thanks in advance.