Vicidial Confernce 86009XX possible?

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Vicidial Confernce 86009XX possible?

Postby phil_discount » Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:09 am


we'are getting an error in asterisk CLI for conferences like 86009XX
Code: Select all
admin_exec: conference number '8600900' not found!

but i can find the 8600900 in meetme-vicidial.conf

can we use the area of 86009XX?
i found something in extensions.conf
Code: Select all
; voicelab exten
exten => _86009XX,1,Meetme,${EXTEN}|Fmq
; voicelab exten moderator
exten => _986009XX,1,Meetme,${EXTEN:1}

8600050 - 8600899 already used for other cluster server

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Re: Vicidial Confernce 86009XX possible?

Postby williamconley » Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:20 pm

There is no reason to have some conferences on one dialer and different conferences on another. They are expected to be the same conference numbers on all dialers (this avoids running out of conferences, or conflicting with things like the voicelab ...)

If you are not using voicelab, you can delete that entry ... but you are stepping into custom .conf file territory which rarely ends well.

If you clustered your system using Vicibox, it would have set all this up automatically. How did you cluster?
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