How to use call time

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How to use call time

Postby satyakam711 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:16 am


VERSION: 2.7-401a
BUILD: 130508-2256
Kernel Version 2.6.18-348.12.1.el5.go (SMP)
Distro Name GoAutoDial CE 3.0

Processors 2
Model Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00GHz
CPU Speed 2 GHz

I am in a process of creating a call menu .I cam across an option called "Menu Time Check:"
When i read the manual, it says "This field is where you can select whether to restrict the Call Menu access to the specific hours set up in the selected Call Time."

but this does not work. I have created call times. 1) friday to sunday 9 am to 10 pm - where the call menu is suppose to play IVR to allow the caller to select desired option (call will be routed to ingroup B and C depending on caller)
and 2) mon to thursday (where the call menu should not be played and the call should be routed to ingroup A)

Each day after 10 pm to next day 9 am (non-production hours) we have routed the call to an extn and we have a script developed which will allow the call to opt for a callback.

Please help how can i get the "Menu Time Check:" to work or an alternate option to configure this.
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Re: How to use call time

Postby williamconley » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:06 pm

Modify the call menu as follows:
1) Set "Menu Time Check" to "1 - Time Check"
2) Set "Call Time" to "9 AM to 9PM" (The STOCK, unaltered call time that came with Vicidial ... not one you created, and don't use this one if you modified it already, use an UNmodified one)
3) Set ONE option to "Timecheck", Description: "Testing", Route: "Extension", Extension: "9998811112", Context "default"
4) Wait for that time to "pass" based on your call time (ie: call in at 8:58 and 9:02PM, both sides of that time barrier) in the SYSTEM time and Test.
5) At this point, make slight modifications to a NEWLY CREATED call time (don't mess up one that works ... make a new one! LOL).

Report back ... :) Happy hunting!
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Re: How to use call time

Postby satyakam711 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:23 am

Thanks William,

Actually i was entering incorrect time in days when i do not want to use this call time. For eg :

I had 2 call times
1) Monday to thursday 9:00 start time and 22:00 end time
2) Friday to Sunday 9:00 start time and 22:00 end time

When i configured the first call time, monday to thursday each day had the start time and end time correctly, but friday to sunday the time was 00:00 to 00:00. I changed this to 24:00 to 24:00 and i got the desired output.

Thank you for all the inputs once again. :P
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Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:20 am

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