Copied a new campaign from Existing operational auto dial campaiign. Cannot get Agent Transfer to work when campaign set to manual dial. Allow Closers set to 'Y' okay, but Allow inbound and blended cannot be set to 'Y' when manual dial with dial level set to 0. Allowed Inbound Groups also disappear when allow blended and inbound set to 'N'.
Is it not possible for a manual dial campaign to transfer to another agent?
Thanks Guys
Single Server Vicibox 3.04 From 64bit-Preload.iso VERSION: 2.8-403a BUILD:1305101350 : Asterisk 1.4.44-vici : NO Digium HArdware : Single Server
AMD 8-CORE 4Ghz 16GigRAM : MSI 3070 Mboard : 3-2TB SATA Drives : Disabled RAID : No extra software :