Can't connect to admin.php

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Can't connect to admin.php

Postby farmerjim » Tue May 13, 2014 11:01 am

I installed vicidial last week and all switched it on yesterday. Calls were made and all seemed well. The server has a reboot 3am every day and today when agents tried to log on the saw a message
"Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to 192.168.x.x"
. his happens when connecting to the admin login page and the client login page.
However when I simply browse to the serve address I see the standard apache page
"It Works!"

Agents can still make calls from handsets and softphones and I still have ssh access.
Details of the installation are
Dell Poweredge, 2 x 1Tb HDD, 4Gb RAM, vicibox 5.0.3, no additional software and I have read the manager and agent manual (paid versions in both cases]

Anyone have any ideas and bear in mind I'm still a beginner where Linux is concerned but know enough to know when to stop and ask for help - this is one of these cases!
Vicidial-redux 3.1.12 from iso | Asterisk | Sangoma A101D | no additional software | VICIdial VERSION: 2.4-346a BUILD: 111102-1930
Posts: 58
Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:15 am
Location: Manchester

Re: Can't connect to admin.php

Postby farmerjim » Tue May 13, 2014 12:12 pm

OK I solved this. found that vicirecord.conf had the line
Order allow, deny

instead of
Order allow,deny

Surprising what you miss when tired.
Vicidial-redux 3.1.12 from iso | Asterisk | Sangoma A101D | no additional software | VICIdial VERSION: 2.4-346a BUILD: 111102-1930
Posts: 58
Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:15 am
Location: Manchester

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