Cygwin, does astGUI runs on it? (meaning, in asteriskwin32)

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Cygwin, does astGUI runs on it? (meaning, in asteriskwin32)

Postby Luqciano » Mon May 21, 2007 4:23 pm

Hello, I am currently using asterisk win32 that comes as an installer, it sets up cygwin with a few applications along side *.

astGui requires 3 things I don't know with it runs on Cygwin.

If I get these 3 to work (and fulfill the other requirements, obviously), will astGUI work? (It's just a catalog of scripts, right?)

- SoX 12.17.5 or greater must be installed
- GNU screen 3.9.15 or greater must be installed
- Several entries in the crontab

These 3 are really required for the GUI, or just for VICIDIAL?

Could the GUI work without those?

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Postby ramindia » Mon May 21, 2007 9:55 pm


Those cronjob are must to run vicdial /agc
scripts will do background call processing and data manupulating.

so you need to have those cronjobs

Kindly post your feedback, if this solution works.
so its very usefull for others who join later as a NEWBIE.
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