Paying LD even after handoff

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Paying LD even after handoff

Postby perci100 » Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:38 am

This may be a silly question but here is the situation.

I am dialing inbound/outbound with 20 agents on 1 campaign. They qualify the customer and transfer the call to d1/ - phone number to 3rd party client.

I know the 3rd party is using some form of asterisk. We were setup for a sip transfer at first but they kept having issues.

My question is. Is it normal that my carriers would hold the call and charge me long distance even after the handoff?

I was having some load issues and whenever i had to restart asterisk all the calls already transferred to the third party would drop.

I would think since we are actually dialing a number and transferring them we would be handing off the call /LD responsibility but maybe i am thinking about it wrong. Can anyone enlighten me? :)
8 server cluster web/tel x 5/db/archive(rec only) in production inbound/outbound/AMD/full recording |Vicibox 5.0.3 Standard ISO | VERSION: 2.12-549a BUILD: 160404-0940 | Asterisk | No added software all servers in RAID 10
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Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:47 pm

Re: Paying LD even after handoff

Postby mflorell » Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:30 am

blind transfer or consultative?
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Re: Paying LD even after handoff

Postby perci100 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:25 am

When we do blind the call drops , I was thinking maybe they don't have a carrier setup?

If we dial with customer , then our agent leaves the customer and third party speaking we hold the call still i guess. Just sucks paying for a 3 hour close.

Im also having issues with asterisk randomly crashing throughout the day could this be related to the third party system? when i have to restart asterisk all the calls that were transferred are dropping on their end. The only thing i see in the asterisk logs when it happens are a ton of DTMF its weird. Maybe i am being attacked. Ive had this cluster in production over a year and never had these issues before.
8 server cluster web/tel x 5/db/archive(rec only) in production inbound/outbound/AMD/full recording |Vicibox 5.0.3 Standard ISO | VERSION: 2.12-549a BUILD: 160404-0940 | Asterisk | No added software all servers in RAID 10
Posts: 74
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:47 pm

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