Problem in displaying customer's information

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Problem in displaying customer's information

Postby ssam » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:55 am

I have installed vicidial on ubuntu 12.04 from scratch. Why in case of inbound calls customer's informations doesn't appear on agent's screen ?
Indeed just phone number is shown on agent's interface and no name and address.
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Re: Problem in displaying customer's information

Postby williamconley » Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:18 pm

Please always include a link to the installation instructions that you used. This allows errors with that method to be linked if they crop up. And other users who used the same install method to discuss it among themselves if they need help ... and NEW users who want to use that method to know where they can get it. :)

Inbound calls by default create a new lead for each call. This is to avoid overwriting a lead status (ie: Was "SALE" but then got an inbound call to ask about delivery ... now "no sale!" ahhh!). That being said, the setting for this is in the DID configuration.

In-Group Call Handle Method -
If IN_GROUP is selected as the DID Route, then this is the call handling method used for these calls.
CID will add a new lead record with every call using the CallerID as the phone number,
CIDLOOKUP will attempt to lookup the phone number by the CallerID in the entire system,
CIDLOOKUPRL will attempt to lookup the phone number by the CallerID in only one specified list,
CIDLOOKUPRC will attempt to lookup the phone number by the CallerID in all of the lists that belong to the specified campaign,
CLOSER is specified for Closer calls, ANI will add a new lead record with every call using the ANI as the phone number,
ANILOOKUP will attempt to lookup the phone number by the ANI in the entire system,
ANILOOKUPRL will attempt to lookup the phone number by the ANI in only one specified list,
XDIGITID will prompt the caller for an X digit code before the call will be put into the queue,
VIDPROMPT will prompt the caller for their ID number and will create a new lead record with the CallerID as the phone number and the ID as the Vendor ID, VIDPROMPTLOOKUP will attempt to lookup the ID in the entire system,
VIDPROMPTLOOKUPRL will attempt to lookup the vendor ID by the ID in only one specified list,
VIDPROMPTLOOKUPRC will attempt to lookup the vendor ID by the ID in all of the lists that belong to the specified campaign. Default is CID.
If a CIDLOOKUP method is used with ALT, it will search the alt_phone field for the phone number if no matches are found for the main phone number.
If a CIDLOOKUP method is used with ADDR3, it will search the address3 field for the phone number if no matches are found for the main phone number and optionally the alt_phone field.
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