We have a 6 server load balancing cluster setup with the following configuration:
2 Webservers, 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Quad Quad Core Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 8GB DDR2 Ram
3 Asterisk Server 3.4 Ghz Xeon E3 Quad-Core w/HT Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 16GB DDR3 Ram
1 Db Server 2.13 Ghz Xeon E5 6-Core w/HT Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 24GB DDR3 Ram
VERSION: 2.12-478a
BUILD: 150307-1914 Vicidial Scratch install on Centos 6.x
My question is on inbound call reports. There is a status HNG Call Termed Immediat. I need to know what exactly this means? Does this means hangs up after a short term? What is the amount of seconds it takes to do this? Or is this hang up immidately? What exactly does this mean on this report?
Thank you