audio file reindex

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audio file reindex

Postby dreedy » Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:06 pm

We have a cluster here with 1 web, 2 dialer, 1 sql and an archive. We reinstall the complete cluster at the end of july and at that time we setup a mount over the "/var/spool/asterisk/monitorDone" directory to our archive server. Its not the prettiest but it worked for our need and we were out of time on that weekend to further change any settings. Now we have a slight issue, the Audio files are going to this location but just in one folder of MP3 and we now have hundreds of thousand of audio files in that folder. I have been reading on several post trying to find a good way of re indexing these audio files into folders by date and time to clean up this model and at the same time update the sql tables so that any leads searches will still populate through the web interface.

i have been reading though the files in "/usr/share/astguiclient" , but perl is not my strongest language point and i would like to verify if any of the scripts in this location could be used to complete what i would like to do.

anyone have any suggestions ?

1- mysql/apache Server (ViciBox 11) Dell R640
1- Dialer (Vicibox 11) Dell R620
1- Web (Vicibox 11) Dell R620
1- Archive Server Drobo 810n

Asterisk 16.30.0-vici | VERSION: 2.14-924a | BUILD: 240716-1453 | svn 3856|dbschema 1717
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Joined: Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:16 pm

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