by mtancoff » Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:44 pm
top - 16:43:51 up 5:05, 4 users, load average: 0.29, 0.33, 0.34
Tasks: 92 total, 1 running, 91 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.8% us, 0.3% sy, 2.2% ni, 96.7% id, 0.0% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 1001904k total, 438780k used, 563124k free, 90840k buffers
Swap: 779144k total, 0k used, 779144k free, 132760k cached
This is it, nothing seems wrong.
Everything looks fine, but vici takes about 30 seconds to send the hang-up to customer, counting from the moment when asterisk -gcvvvvvvvvvvvvv shows:
-- Executing DeadAGI("Zap/1-1", "VD_hangup.agi|PRI-----NODEBUG-----0---------------") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/VD_hangup.agi
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|Perl Environment Dump:
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|0|PRI-----NODEBUG-----0---------------
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Environment Dump:
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- accountcode =
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- callerid = unknown
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- calleridname = Y0906165307000000052
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingani2 = 0
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingpres = 0
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- callingtns = 0
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- callington = 0
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- channel = Zap/1-1
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- context = default
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- dnid = unknown
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- enhanced = 0.0
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- extension = h
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- language = en
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- priority = 2
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- rdnis = unknown
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- request = VD_hangup.agi
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- type = Zap
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi| -- uniqueid = 1157575982.3
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|AGI Variables: |1157575982.3|Zap/1-1|h|Zap|Y0906165307000000052|
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|DEBUG: NODEBUG
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|VD_hangup : Y0906165307000000052 Zap/1-1 2 52
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi||SELECT lead_id,callerid FROM vicidial_auto_calls where uniqueid = '1157575982.3' limit 1;|
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|-- VDAC record deleted: |1| |52|1157575982.3|Y0906165307000000052|
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi||SELECT start_epoch,status FROM vicidial_log where uniqueid='1157575982.3' and lead_id='52' limit 1;|
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|no VDL record found: 1157575982.3 Y0906165307000000052 52 1157575982.3
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi||SELECT start_epoch,status,closecallid FROM vicidial_closer_log where lead_id = '52' and call_date > "2006-09-06 10:53:14" order by call_date desc limit 1;|
2006-09-06 16:53:14|VD_hangup.agi|no VDL or VDCL record found: 1157575982.3 Y0906165307000000052 52 1157575982.3
-- AGI Script VD_hangup.agi completed, returning 0
-- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
Since this hung-up Zap/1-1, agent console delays thirty seconds to show the "Customer has hang up" message.
Last edited by
mtancoff on Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.