Hardware and Capabilities / Need advise

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Hardware and Capabilities / Need advise

Postby gequiros » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:28 pm

Hello guys

Right now i got 35 agents on this cluster setup ( Some, log in and out during the day, and they don't auto dial, just call back customers to do QC ):

1 DataBase = 240gb SSD, 32gb, 24 cores @ 2.93GHz, Average load: 0.28 0.38 0.40
1 Web Server = 1 tb SATA 7200 rpm, 16gb ram, 16 cores @ 2.27GHz, Average load: 0.41 0.35 0.39
4 Asterisk servers = 120gb SSD, 8gb Ram, 16 cores @ 2.27GHz, Average load: 0.12 0.19 0.26

Link of current dialing:

I am using the WORST leads i got, to push the dialer ratio and work the highest i can ( kinda distress test )

i am DOING:
Load Balancing
We don't have to do call recording ( that's a major PLUS )
No Firewall or Fail2Ban

As you can see, how many agents do you think i can handle, give me the "SAFEST" numbers you can imagine i would be running without a problem (playing safe) and how much would be the real numbers you can estimate you think it can handle, as well how many Concurrent calls i can be placing

Playing safe:
How many Agents
How many Concurrent Calls

Pushing the limits:
How many Agents
How many Concurrent Calls

Thanks so much guys for your input

Keep in mind that high dialing ratio you saw was for carrier testing only as well asterisk servers, that's why i chose the worst leads i got, i am a carrier, so i know the load i can handle
Vicibox / ISO

1 x DataBase
1 x Archive
1 x Web
Many dialers

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Re: Hardware and Capabilities / Need advise

Postby williamconley » Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:26 am

This is a personalized number. Regardless of how many variables you try to nail down, anyone answering that question for you is likely looking for something and has an agenda.

Your best bet is to load one of the Dialers to its limit and see when it overloads. Then do some math for the rest. But most importantly: It depends on how you dial. How long your script lasts. How good your agents are at keeping prospects on the phone.
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