afterhours calls going to call list

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afterhours calls going to call list

Postby TwistedFister » Mon May 15, 2017 11:31 am

Vicibox 7.0.3 from .iso | Vicidial 2.14-579a Build 161128-1746 | Asterisk 11.22.0-vici | CLuster setup: 1 web 1 DB 8 telephony | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation

we get roughly 1000 calls per day that hit our ingroup after hours. Is there a way to have those calls go to a list? Our current config has them going to a voicemail box and we have a person that all they do is listen to these voicemails all day to get the ph numbers from them. It would serve us better to just have the numbers end up in a list so that we could just recall them..
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Re: afterhours calls going to call list

Postby mflorell » Mon May 15, 2017 10:26 pm

Yes! In fact we recently added a new DROP LISTS feature, but you will have to upgrade to get it.
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