Agent stays on call after "Leave 3 way call" in 1 node

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Agent stays on call after "Leave 3 way call" in 1 node

Postby webudo » Fri Jul 07, 2017 12:34 am

ViciBox 7.0.4
VERSION: 2.14-620a
BUILD: 170623-2142
Asterisk 11.25.1-vici
Virtualized (4cores, 6GB RAM, 80GB HDD)
Clustered install (1masterDB, 1web/tel, 1web/tel, 1slaveDB)
On installation I saw: SVN trunk 2786

Only in one of the two web/telephony servers the agent stays connected to the call after pressing "leave 3 way call". The other web/telephony server works just fine.
No matter if it's an inbound or manual call.

Steps to replicate:
1.- Agent gets an in-group call
2.- Agent press "transfer-conf" button, enters PSTN number and press "park customer dial"
3.- Customer gets MOH and new call establishes ok
4.- Agent press "grab parked call" to make 3-way call and 3 legs connected fine
5.- Agent press "leave 3 way call" and gets to dispo screen, but the call still connected to customer and 3rd party. (there's no way to hang the call, only loging out the agent).

Sometimes “park customer dial” button will not put customer on hold while making the 3rd party call (just like when you press “dial with customer”.
Sometimes “park customer” won’t place customer on hold.

Any ideas?
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Re: Agent stays on call after "Leave 3 way call" in 1 node

Postby mflorell » Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:40 am

On the system where this isn't working, you'll have to try to debug why it isn't working. So, that means going through the logs in the /var/log/astguiclient folder on that dialer to see if there are any errors or warnings around the time of the attempted action that indicate why it isn't working.

But first, check to see that the Asterisk Version is correct on that dialer as compared to the servers page in the web admin.
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Re: Agent stays on call after "Leave 3 way call" in 1 node

Postby webudo » Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:15 am

Thanks for your response mflorell

Both servers have the string: 11.25.1-vici under Asterisk version parameter on GUI's config. (I configured it at the very beginning. Is that value ok? should I remove -vici?)

I did a "tail -f /var/log/astguiclient/*" and couldn't find anything that looks like errors, but what I noticed today is that every action on the GUI takes too long to respond.
I see the part where the call is placed on park (but the customer side never got MOH) and audio kept playing for 3 parties since the beginning of dialing the external call.

==> /var/log/astguiclient/agiout.2017-07-07 <==
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi| -- threadid = 140284121724672
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi| -- type = SIP
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi| -- uniqueid = 1499435432.129
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi| -- version = 11.25.1-vici
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi|AGI Variables: |1499435432.129|SIP/GT-PBXGT-00000017|8301|SIP|M7070750010000000016|
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi|CALL BEING PARKED
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi||UPDATE parked_channels set channel_group='M7070750010000000016' where server_ip='' and channel='SIP/GT-PBXGT-00000017';|
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi|-- Park record updated: |1| |M7070750010000000016|SIP/GT-PBXGT-00000017|
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi|-- Context empty, switching to default: ||1|0| |M7070750010000000016|
2017-07-07 07:50:32|park_CID.agi|-- Starting MoH: |default| |M7070750010000000016|

On the "manager" bridge command I see something that I don't know if it's normal (a ZOMBIE) and it's the transfer number's channel twice:
Event: Bridge
Privilege: call,all
Bridgestate: Unlink
Bridgetype: core
Channel1: Local/50222788181@default-0000002d;2
Channel2: Local/50222788181@default-0000002d;1<ZOMBIE>
Uniqueid1: 1499435770.143
Uniqueid2: 1499435772.144
CallerID1: 0000000000
CallerID2: 0000000000

Can you tell me where should I focus on those logs I'm watching? Should I attach the logs for the time I'm having the issue?
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Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:17 am

Re: Agent stays on call after "Leave 3 way call" in 1 node

Postby mflorell » Fri Jul 07, 2017 10:13 pm

That version sounds fine.

As for the actions taking a long time, could you explain in more detail please?

Have you enabled Agent Screen Debug Logging in System Settings?
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