No this feature is not implemented yet.
But follow my instructions and then it's possible:
1. Backup and edit "vdc_soundboard_display.php" in directory srv/www/htdocs/agc :
change line 476 to:
- Code: Select all
PLAY_query = "source=soundboard&stage=PLAY&dial_override=Y&function=audio_playback&user=" + api_user + "&pass=" + clean_var(api_set) + "&agent_user=" + agent_user + "&value=" + temp_audio_file + "_" + agent_user + "&agent_debug=" + soundboard_event_log;
2. Upload your files for each agent with different file name in this format: "soundfilename
_agent_user" e.g. "traffic_6666.gsm"
3. Take care that all files have the same prefix soundfilename from soundboard configuration menu followed by "_" and the agent id: e.g. traffic_6666.gsm, traffic_4444.gsm and so on
3. This is just a fast solution: the real sound file length for the progress bar will be ignored (put for all sound files a base file also in directory e.g. "traffic.gsm" without agent prefix
3. That's all for now have fun
Vicibox 6.0.2 from Vicibox_v.6.0.x86_64-6.0.2.iso | Vicidial 2.12-560a build: 160617-1427 | Asterisk