Fields for manual dial

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Fields for manual dial

Postby gjorge » Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:16 pm

hello, can you set the adress1, adress2 and the other labels as altnum in the dialer?

the question arises because in the vicidial interface there are only 3 fields for manual dialing, which are the telnum, altphone and adrees3, I need more.

wait for your answers, thanks.
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Re: Fields for manual dial

Postby mflorell » Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:20 am

Nope, VICIdial only uses those three fields for manual dialing of a single lead.
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Re: Fields for manual dial

Postby blackbird2306 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:56 am

Only possible in RATIO or ADAPT mode:
Auto Alt-Number Dialing -This setting is used to automatically dial alternate number fields while dialing in the RATIO and ADAPT dial methods when there is no contact at the main phone number for a lead, the statuses to trigger alt dial can be set in the Auto Alt Dial page. This setting is not used by the MANUAL dial method. EXTENDED alternate numbers are numbers loaded into the system outside of the standard lead information screen. Using EXTENDED you can have hundreds of phone numbers for a single customer record. Using MULTI_LEAD allows you to use a separate lead for each number on a customer account that all share a common vendor_lead_code, and the type of phone number for each is defined with a label in the Owner field. This option will disable some options on the Modify Campaign screen and show a link to the Multi-Alt Settings page which allows you to set which phone number types, defined by the label of each lead, will be dialed and in what order. This will create a special lead filter and will alter the Rank field of all of the leads inside the lists set to this campaign in order to call them in the order you have specified.

Take a look on this document:
Vicibox 6.0.2 from Vicibox_v.6.0.x86_64-6.0.2.iso | Vicidial 2.12-560a build: 160617-1427 | Asterisk
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Re: Fields for manual dial

Postby gjorge » Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:19 am

mflorell wrote:Nope, VICIdial only uses those three fields for manual dialing of a single lead.

Is it possible to configure fiels labels adrees1 and adrees2 as telnum3 and telnum4 for dialing?
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Re: Fields for manual dial

Postby mflorell » Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:39 am

It's open source, so if you do the programming, you can make it happen. There would be quite a few steps involved if you want them to be dialable fields though.
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Re: Fields for manual dial

Postby williamconley » Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:05 pm

Not to butt in, but ...

Vicidial has several method for multiple phone numbers for prospects, including pretty much every need from 1 to virtually unlimited.

Using the Auto Alt-Number Dialing settings:
* 1 Phone number: NONE: Use phone_number field for each prospect.
* 2-3 Phone Numbers: Several settings: Use phone_number, alt_phone, address3, depending on your settings
* Up to 64k: EXTENDED
* Unlimited: MULTI-LEAD

But the code necessary to make these available for "choosing" for manual dial is only installed for 1-3 numbers presently. It would not be a huge run to create a method to allow manual dialing to cycle through EXTENDED or MULTI-LEAD, but nobody has paid for it for the Vicidial Group (or it would be in Vicidial!) or a 3rd party (at least it's not been published as far as I've seen) or done it themselves and shared with the community.

It's Entirely Possible to build an "outside vicidial" interface that uses the agent api to generate calls using any method you deem fit, but once again that will involve some programming.

In all cases, as Matt pointed out, Vicidial is Open Source and you can go nuts and code whatever you like. Or hire someone to do it. The ONLY way to guarantee that it's included in Vicidial is to have The Vicidial Group do it, anyone else can submit it for acceptance (if you pay them to), but the guarantee is gone (Vicidial may not accept the code). In that case, each time Vicidial gets an upgrade you may need to have your cool tool upgraded to match (although an external system using the agent api would likely not suffer from this, even if it ran in the Script pane inside Vicidial).
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