Recording tracking

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Recording tracking

Postby eskali » Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:26 pm

Hi all,

Does anybody know how or who is the one that execute the asterisk cmd that start and stop the recording file ?
I mean, i saw that once the filename is saved into the recording_log table (manager_send.php), the recording its created into the monitor folder, but what i really need to know is WHO read that table and create the file with that filename structure, because im trying to change the filename into the vdc_db_query.php script after the manDialLogCALL action its executed. My problem is that the filename created, is the one that was defined in manager_send.php, not the updated one.
So, i need to know when to apply my change in order to suffer an effect.

Another thing is, the information that i need to add to the filename structure its getted into the vdc_db_query.php into the manDialLogCALL and there is no way that i can retrieve such information from manager_send.php. So, if anybody know what else i can do, i will really appreciate it!.

The information that im trying to add is about the dial status (sold or not sold), like filename-soldok.wav and filename-notsold.wav ... something like that, and im getting these information from another table once the "Client hangup" button was pressed and the call was tipified.

Thanks again for any help that anybody can retrieve!


Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:43 pm

Postby rajeevpn » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:08 am

Well it is manager_send that is initiating the recording. Right around the section where you saw the recording_log insert, LINE 959 in the version that I have you will see:
Code: Select all
$stmt="INSERT INTO vicidial_manager values('','','$NOW_TIME','NEW','N','$server_ip','','$ACTION','$queryCID','Channel: $channel','$SQLfile','','','','','','','','');";

You have the running every second (part of the that is in the crontab) whose job is to
Code: Select all
# spawns child processes ( to execute action commands
# on the Asterisk manager interface from records in the vicidial_manager table
# of the asterisk database in MySQL that are marked as a status of NEW

The telnets in to the asterisk manager interface and 'starts' the recording.

Am not sure if you will be able to add dispo to the filename at the start of the recording as the file gets created even before the agent finishes the call. Perhaps you could do it as part of the sox.

Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:42 am

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