using first_name,last_name variables in recordings

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using first_name,last_name variables in recordings

Postby AlexR » Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:46 am

Hello Matt, Everyone...

Im just wondering if it is possible for recordings to have the first_name, last_name or some of the other fields in vicidial_list in the filename?

Thank you!

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Postby peacy » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:54 pm

In vicidial.php you'll find a Javascript function called 'conf_send_recording'. This function takes care of starting and stopping the recording (automatic or user requested). (In my vicidial.php it starts at line 3211 but since I heavily customized my installation this might not be true for yours.)

This is the file name creation part of this function:
Code: Select all
var REGrecCAMPAIGN = new RegExp("CAMPAIGN","g");
var REGrecCUSTPHONE = new RegExp("CUSTPHONE","g");
var REGrecFULLDATE = new RegExp("FULLDATE","g");
var REGrecTINYDATE = new RegExp("TINYDATE","g");
var REGrecEPOCH = new RegExp("EPOCH","g");
var REGrecAGENT = new RegExp("AGENT","g");
filename = campaign_rec_filename;
filename = filename.replace(REGrecCAMPAIGN, campaign);
filename = filename.replace(REGrecCUSTPHONE, lead_dial_number);
filename = filename.replace(REGrecFULLDATE, filedate);
filename = filename.replace(REGrecTINYDATE, tinydate);
filename = filename.replace(REGrecEPOCH, epoch_sec);
filename = filename.replace(REGrecAGENT, user);

As you can see it's fairly easy to add a few tags (given that you know a bit of Javascript and understand how HTML works.)
Feel free to ask more questions - I'll help if I can.
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Postby mflorell » Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:47 pm

If your data is anything like what I have seen at many of my clients you may not want to use a field that may contain all sorts of weird characters or spaces which may cause issues with the back-end recording=moving scripts.
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Postby AlexR » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:44 pm

Thank you Peacy and Matt for the replies.

Matt I think you've got a point there about the filename, it would be much wiser to use the vendor lead code as filename. And Peacy thanks for pointing my to the right piece of code. Im not Javascript savvy but the code pretty much explains itself. Currently our problem is that it takes sometime to lookup the file in the recordings if a client complains. I will try it that way and see how it goes.

Thank you,

Posts: 127
Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:02 pm

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