Adding an SBC to our ViciDial cluster

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Adding an SBC to our ViciDial cluster

Postby roger.milligan » Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:49 am


In all our Vici sites we've always had dedicated fibre or other connectivity to our VoIP providers. Now I need to create a trunk to transfer calls to a provider with a public IP. Since I'm not going to expose the Asterisk servers to the Internet, I'm looking for a secure solution. VPN would be one option, but installing our own SBC on a VM seems to be the best.

What recommendations are there for the best, simple open source Session Border Controller (SBC) that we can use in this setup?


Vici scratch install (not ViciBox) VERSION: 2.14-610a Centos 7
Roger Milligan
Thrive, Cape Town, South Africa.
Mobile: +27 791412325 rogerm(at)thrivedatasolutions(dot)com
Posts: 58
Joined: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:18 pm
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Re: Adding an SBC to our ViciDial cluster

Postby Acidshock » Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:37 pm

Well you could just only allow sip communication to the public ip of the provider. That is perfectly acceptable. An SBC isnt going to solve your security problem. It will be just as much of a security risk. If you want an SBC you can use Kamalio, or OpenSIPS.
VERSION: 2.14-698a | BUILD: 190207-2301 | Asterisk:13.24.1-vici | Vicibox 8.1.2
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