Pretty sure this question is for Mr. Florell...
I have one site that is still on a relatively old SVN (2703) - I modified the AST_timeonVDADall.php file, such that the waiting agents change color for me SOONER than it does for the rest of the rooms - so - I have a "head start" before they start calling me to speed the system up. The problem with this is - I had to make the change on a different server, so they wouldn't get the same output as me if for any reason I pointed their URL to the server I made the change to. Which got me thinking - that this should be a parameter in the URL that I could modify - or - if left out, uses the defaults. TO make sure you didn't already do this - I installed a new V10 system (SVN 3611) - and I took a look at the code there, and noticed the section just after the version comments that have all of the custom times (### CUSTOMER TIMES FOR REALTIME DISPLAY ###).
So - in case you don't already know what I am about to ask - can the code be modified so that these values can be put in the URL? Kind of like "&RR=2" - where even though the drop-down supports a minimum of 4, I can change it in the URL - or leave it out. Because right now - it seems that I can only modify these values in this top section of your code, correct? (Also - if you do decide to "isset" them - maybe shorter names - like "&WSTime=30&WMTime=60&WLTime=300" and so on...)
For the heck of it, I did try adding "&waiting_short_time=20" to the end of my URL - but that didn't seem to do anything.
I don't mind writing the code - but is there any reason why these can't be added to the "isset" section? Meaning - before I go forward with any coding, did you already consider doing this, but there was some sort of reason why you decided against it?
Thanks for any feedback!