Agent Login error

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Agent Login error

Postby chasejordan1 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:42 pm

I am getting this error.

Login Error
Sorry, your phone login and password are not active in this system, please try again:
Phone Login: Phone Password:
VERSION: 2.0.129 BUILD: 70322-1545

I am using vicidialnow. The soft phones registers and can dial out fine. I can load leads with now problems, at this point this is the only issue I am have. Please help. It would be greatly appreciated. I have some Linux, and asterisk experience.
Posts: 182
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:57 am

Postby ramindia » Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:54 pm


Kindly do not post Twise the same question

Kindly post your feedback, if this solution works.
so its very usefull for others who join later as a NEWBIE.
Posts: 688
Joined: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:06 am
Location: India

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