The VDAD report was showing several calls in INCALL status even though they werent. Wondering why these arent getting updated.
- Code: Select all
| uniqueid | lead_id | list_id | campaign_id | call_date | start_epoch | end_epoch | length_in_sec | status | phone_code | phone_number | user | comments | processed | user_group | term_reason |
| 1213131534.354133 | 477937 | 10000012 | TSCX | 2008-06-10 16:59:04 | 1213131544 | 1213131573 | 29 | INCALL | 1 | XXX3372688 | 4432 | AUTO | N | TSR | AGENT |
| 1213131576.354206 | 477937 | 10000012 | TSCX | 2008-06-10 16:59:39 | 1213131579 | 1213131614 | 35 | INCALL | 1 | XXX3372688 | 4432 | MANUAL | N | TSR | AGENT |
| 1213131616.354273 | 477937 | 10000012 | TSCX | 2008-06-10 17:00:18 | 1213131618 | 1213131750 | 132 | A | 1 | XXX3372688 | 4432 | MANUAL | N | TSR | AGENT |
really these were all the same call.
additionally there is no manual calling happening.