by dev_4901 » Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:58 pm
Hi All,
I've been reading about the reasons about high loads, and have found one reason that is probably causing high loads :
But what I cant understand is : I use g729 to send voice to my provider, voice comes as g729 to me from the provider. Its then sent to the Audio Code as g729 and then the Audio code sends it to the agents.
Where is the TRANSCODING DONE? It's done while recording, I know this.
exten => 8309,1,Answer
exten => 8309,2,Monitor(wav,${CALLERIDNAME})
exten => 8309,3,Wait,3600
exten => 8309,4,Hangup
Except this, is the TRANSCODING done any place else that I'm probabaly skipping?
Can I use RECORD in place of MONITOR like :
exten => 8309,2,Record(${CALLERIDNAME}:g729)
as the supported sound formats are: g723, g729, gsm, h263, ulaw, alaw, vox, wav, WAV.
Plz advice and thanx in advance.
Dev Singhal.