AST/VICI Installation Questions **

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AST/VICI Installation Questions **

Postby » Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:49 pm


I am new to VICIDIAL. Following is my current environment and I would like to know how and what would be the best implementation of VICIDIAL.

First. I would like to know if VICIDIAL & astGUIclient are two different names of the same product or are they two different products. Do the work independently or work togather. Is one server and other client software? etc..

My Environment. I have two Asterisk Servers running FREEPBX. One has T1 Digium Card and other has 4 Port Digium card. I want to know VICIDIAL/AST has to be installed on the SAME server running Asterisk or Does it simplly need to have access to Asterisk Server.

All I WANT Is:

Predictive dialer functionality and the funcitionality that is outlined in your feature list.

Can you install your software on one server and people connect to it from any where with any device as long as it has access to the Asterisk Srever.

I thank for your reply and informaiton to clear things up for me.

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Joined: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:41 pm

Postby mflorell » Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:12 pm

astGUIclient is the name of the project and the astguiclient.php interface is designed for office phone users to extend the functionality of their phones.

VICIDIAL is a part of the astguiclient project and requires astguiclient to work. Since VICIDIAL is much more popular and well-known than astguiclient it has sort-of become the other name for the whole project.

As for your needs, yes you can install VICIDIAL on just one server and use it from anywhere that can be called from that Asterisk server.

I suggest reading the SCRATCH_INSTALL a few times and also looking at the agent and manager manuals available at
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