Live Channels question

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Live Channels question

Postby KeithHBW » Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:13 pm

I have MAX trunks of 184, MAX calls per second at 20 and Live Channels at 386. I recently lowered the calls per second hoping that my CPDATB would go down. However it doesnt seem to have gone down and I was wondering if it had something to do with the Live Channels stat there. I guess my question is what are live channels and should they be that high with only 184 trunks?

Edit: Max FILL calls per second is 100
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Postby mflorell » Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:14 pm

That is a fairly normal number of live channels. Remember that Asterisk can create up to 4 channel pointers when placing an outbound call out through a Local/ channel(like Vicidial does).

As for your calls per second, you say you lowered them, but you didn't say how much you lowered them. Also, you didn't mention how many servers you have total.
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Postby KeithHBW » Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:20 am

Just 1 server. And I lowered it from 100 to 20, which I think was the default number.

I also lowered the MAX fills from 100 to 20. Still getting a significant amount of CPDATBs:
A 754
AA 2872
AB 35
B 461
CPDB 427
CPDNA 9649
CPDSV 2131
DA 156 <--dead air
DC 111
NA 248

These are stats for the first two hours of today from the vicidial_log.

The reason I run into these issues that others dont is because I took over the dialers from a different guy who started them. I just did a fresh install on another server the other day and I now have most the settings reverted back to normal.

One day I would like to switch to a single database cluster setup. But that is probably a bit down the road.
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Postby mflorell » Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:16 am

How many calls do you place per hour?

Calls Per Second of 20 is still too high for most companies, there are very few who actually need it at that level.
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Postby KeithHBW » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:00 pm

12000 per hour according to the vicidial log. We call extra hard on days like today. But even on days like Monday-Wednesday where we may be at 9000 we still get high CPDATB.

Edit: On the report page the calls being placed is around ~100 consistently.
Edit2: I did the math and that is about 3.25 calls per second. So I lowered it to 10.
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