I have looked up about 20 topics in the forum but i could find none that were relevant to my problem.
It seems that certain leads are not changed to CALLBK.
These are leads which have the CBHOLD status and CALLBK disposition. So these are ANYONE callbacks. As you can see in the screenshot the callback date has been passed for a month.
When i look at this list there are over 200 similar leads like this. If i set this list as the only one active in the campaign and reset the hopper there are only 3 callbacks added in the hopper and above example is not one of them. And yes, CALLBK is defined as dialstatus (and list mix disabled).
It seems logical that vicidial does not put it into the hopper because the lead still has CBHOLD status. So at some point for some reason VICIdial doesn't change leads from CBHOLD to CALLBK it seems.
Any idea's?