3 way transfer question

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3 way transfer question

Postby rsaaris » Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:39 am

I have an issue with 3 way call transfering. I posted this also in the goautodial forum accidentially.
It is installed from vicibox .iso, version 3.1.15, no digium/sangoma hardware, Vicidial version: 2.4-357a build: 120125-2107, asterisk 1.4.38-vici. And it is a single server installation.

The problem is:

1. Agent takes the call
2. Agent transfers the call using the "Park customer dial"
3. When agent wants to "grab the parked call", and the parked call comes back. But when agents wants to leave 3 way call, the button doesn't work. Agent can't hangup the xfer line either. They just end up with 3 way call when that situation is not wanted.

My goal is something like this:
1. Agent answers
2. Customer wants to transfer the call to mr. x
3. Agent puts customer on hold and tries to call to mr. x. If he answers, and allows the transfer, agent connect the customer and mr. x.
4. If mr. x is not available, then agent grabs the parked call and asks if he wants to connect to a different person. And then we go back to step 3.

But in vicidial the "dial with customer" and the "park customer call" buttons are grey. Is there a way to enable those options multiple times?
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Postby ruben23 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:03 am


I got same issue before with this but i just tried to update to latest SVN trunk and it somehow get corrected..just based on my experienced. :)
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