Hello again, Im back with more questions about possibly improving our system.
First my setup and then my questions:
-Vicibox 3.1.15 + voicesync
-screen -r shows 8 processes
-Vicibox 3.1.15 + sangoma a104DE
Repeat the following steps for each slot on sangoma
Select media type : T1
Keep settings: B8ZS (coding) / ESF (framing)
Clock: Normal
Signal Type: Zaptel/Dahdi PRI CPE
Switch Type: Nortel DMs100
Full T1?: Yes, use all channels
Dialplan context: From-internal
svn codebase
-screen -r outputs: "There is no screen to be resumed."
My concern is that I still end up with NAs even though the CPD handles NAs. My errors from CLI are as follows:
Dialer: Unexpected control subclass, Broken pipe and Re-invited to non-existing call leg on other dialog.
Gateway: Fax detected, but no fax extension??*
agi:// failed connection refused.
-I run /usr/share/astguiclient/FastAGI_log.pl --debug which outputs:
DBI connect('asterisk:localhost:3306','cron',...) failed, which is to be expected because there is no database on this server.
Should I just go into that file and modify it to point to the actual database?
*Is this why fax calls are getting through the CPD?
If anyone needs more information let me know.