Possible conflict with HOTKEYS, PAUSECODE and ALT PHONE DIAL

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Possible conflict with HOTKEYS, PAUSECODE and ALT PHONE DIAL

Postby dspaan » Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:05 pm

I think i may have discovered a bug.

If you have both hotkeys, forced PAUSE CODES and ALT PHONE dial enabled in your campaign the following happens:

1.Get a customer on the line with auto dialing, now suppose there is a line problem and you want to hang up and dial the customer again
2.So you click the ALT PHONE DIAL checkbox and click hangup
3.You click DIAL MAIN to call the customer again
4.Once the conversation is over you disposition the call with a hotkey
5.After that you do another call and this time you use hangup customer to get into the green disposition screen
6.In the disposition screen you click 'PAUSE AGENT DIALING' in the bottom and then a statuscode
7.Once you get in the next screen and you click the ACTIVE CALLBACKS link you get an error message: YOU MUST BE PAUSED TO ENTER A PAUSE CODE IN AUTO DIAL MODE
8.But wait, i'm already on PAUSE so what's happening? When i try the LOGOUT link i get another message: You are in ALT dial mode, you must finish the lead before logging out.
9.Pressing resume and then pause again gets me the same results. To get out of this loop i have to check the 'ALT PHONE DIAL' box again, press RESUME and wait till i get a customer on the line, then use hangup, FINISH LEAD to get in the green dispo screen and only then i can use the pause agent dialing checkbox and choose a status and THEN i'm presented with a 'choose pause code' screen and i can select the proper pause code and logout (or click callbacks to make a callback).

So it seems i don't get the pause code selection screen once i have used hotkeys and alt phone dial and therfore the system thinks i'm not paused preventing me to logout and make callbacks while at the same time i am paused. Rare situation but reproducible.
Regards, Dennis

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Postby mflorell » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:37 pm

Which vicidial.php version and build is this on?
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Postby dspaan » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:43 pm

<!-- VERSION: 2.4-311a BUILD: 110514-1351
Regards, Dennis

Vicibox 9.0.1
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Postby dspaan » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:33 am

Oh and this problem also occurs after you login. Since you have not selected a pause code when logging in.

In noticed this also resulted in uncategorised pausetime in the agent performance detail pause code breakdown report. When you have force pause codes active you expect all agent pause time to be categorized in the reports but the loophole is the pausetime just after logging in.

My suggestion would be to also force a pausecode when the agent logs in?
Regards, Dennis

Vicibox 9.0.1
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Postby mflorell » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:40 pm

Looking into this, there are a lot of variable combinations that could cause this. I believe I have fixed the issue, so please try on the latest SVN/trunk from tonight.
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Re: Possible conflict with HOTKEYS, PAUSECODE and ALT PHONE

Postby linuxknight » Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:02 pm

Our agents have observed this behavior also in the last several builds we have had installed including our current VICIDIAL:VERSION: 2.4-364a
BUILD: 120409-1136 . Have there been any further discussions on this topic?
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Re: Possible conflict with HOTKEYS, PAUSECODE and ALT PHONE

Postby mflorell » Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:08 pm

Haven't heard of any issues with this except for this one thread. I have not been able to duplicate on recent svn/trunk version.
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