0 to left will not export Agent Performance Detail 2.4-361a

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0 to left will not export Agent Performance Detail 2.4-361a

Postby IslandCabby » Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:07 pm

Did post note on Issue tracker for: 0000394, however I have installed Vicibox Redux and run a SVN update and still have this issue. I'm posting here just in case the issue is not monitored anymore. Pasting my particular issue and config below

"Having this same issue with Vicibox Redux:(Agent Performance Detail export not exporting as 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss) if only mm:ss (less than 1 hour). So 4:45 as in 4 minutes and 45 seconds shows as 4 hours and 45 minutes when brought up in excel, of course if the data is actually says 2:25:15 it does show as 2:25:15.

VERSION: 2.4-361a
BUILD: 120221-1647
Asterisk Version: built by abuild @ build07 on a x86_64 running CentOS"

I know you guys are probably up to your necks in requests and greatly appreciate the help.
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Re: 0 to left will not export Agent Performance Detail 2.4-3

Postby williamconley » Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:46 pm

Have you verified that this is in some way related to Vicidial and not merely a poor assumption on the part of Excel?

Did you check the CSV data directly to see if this is actually an error? Perhaps "Calc" (OpenOffice or some other spreadsheet) would interpret differently ...

I'm not actually familiar with this bug, so I'm guessing. Of course, it's something that can be fixed if it is a bug (or even if it is excel and you want it fixed for excel because it's the biggest csv reader out there ...). The detail reports are complex, but not mind-boggling.
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Re: 0 to left will not export Agent Performance Detail 2.4-3

Postby IslandCabby » Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:04 am

:) I definitely know it's Excel. I hate it, we all hate it. jeje. Issue is that since everyone uses it even if you advise "excel will apply it's own formatting and mess up the fields" (hard-core, die-hard excel multi-worksheet productivity reports people out there no offense intended, I'm one myself :lol: ,) it's becoming an aggravating issue. IF there was a way to export the time format as 00:00:00 all the time instead of 00:00 if only minutes and 00:00:00 only when more than 59:59 mins/seconds then it would not be an issue anymore. It seemed based on the issue tracker that some adjustment in that direction had been made, either that or the issue was not clearly explained. If it's just not possible I'll just put a "Do not Export to Excel" banner in blinking red letters on the performance detail php page. :wink:
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Re: 0 to left will not export Agent Performance Detail 2.4-3

Postby GaD » Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:16 pm

I can confirm this happens with LibreOffice in Linux. The problem relies in the formating of the fields that have 0 hours, both excel (I tried 2003, 2007, 2010) and libreoffice (I believe it is version 3.something-) interpret those fields as 45 hours instead of 45 minutes in an expresion like 45:20. Libreoffice is a bit more intuitive and if you take the fields from the web reports and do a copy paste into libreoffice (pipe ad the delimiter), it will leave the fields as they show in the web interface, if you 'F2' into the field it will show a ' (quote) right before the number of hours or minutes. If you remove that quote (as you can't operate through the fields with it), the format will change as 45 hours instead of minutes. In excel it won't let you even look at 45 minutes, from the moment you paste into the sheet Excel will interpret as 45 hours.

I agree with IslandCabby. If it would be possible to have 00's in from of the minutes would help a lot, but since this report is almost database 'copy/paste' I dunno if it is easily fixable.

Another unrelated question/suggestion...., why don't u guys use a pearl module to export into an xls file intead of a CSV? In LibreOffice (and probabl in OpenOffice as well) I ave to go through hell and back to get Calc to open the file instead of Writer..... I can probably tell LO to use Calc for all csv's, but maybe, MAYBE writing in xls may help the 00:45:20 issue....

...just my 2 cents... :)

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