End call message in Goautodial

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End call message in Goautodial

Postby badrpedro » Wed May 16, 2012 5:43 am

Hello evrybody , first sorry fo my english and i would like to tell you that i'm new in the forum so sorry if i done a mistake in posting this,
My probléme is that i wana know which message it is playing when we want to end a call in a inbound campaign after a limited time in the waiting queu (for a customer),
or juste the option name in the camp or the in-group that can i find because i didn't found it :?
Ps: i read the free manual but i can't found it in too.
thanks for your responding !

Kernel Version 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP)
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Re: End call message in Goautodial

Postby williamconley » Wed May 16, 2012 9:05 pm

1) Welcome to the party! 8-)
2) Always post your Vicidial Version with Build (Goautodial is the Installer, helpful to know, as well, good to post it).
3) This is a support question not directly related to the installer, so I'll move it to the Support board where it will have a larger audience and a better likelihood of getting appropriate responses. The GoAutoDial board is more for items specifically related to installation with that .iso or CentOS or GoAutoDial special interface problems.
4) When modifying the InGroup:
Drop Call Seconds - The number of seconds a call will stay in queue before being considered a DROP.

Drop Action - This menu allows you to choose what happens to a call when it has been waiting for longer than what is set in the Drop Call Seconds field. HANGUP will simply hang up the call, MESSAGE will send the call the Drop Exten that you have defined below, VOICEMAIL will send the call to the voicemail box that you have defined below and IN_GROUP will send the call to the Inbound Group that is defined below.

Drop Exten - If Drop Action is set to MESSAGE, this is the dial plan extension that the call will be sent to if it reaches Drop Call Seconds. For AGENTDIRECT in-groups, if the user is unavailable, you can put AGENTEXT in this field and the system will look up the user custom five field and send the call to that dialplan number.

Voicemail - If Drop Action is set to VOICEMAIL, the call DROP would instead be directed to this voicemail box to hear and leave a message. In an AGENTDIRECT in-group, setting this to AGENTVMAIL will select the User voicemail ID to use.

To create a "message" you dial 8167 (password 4321) and record a message. The script will give you a number that you can place in the "Drop Exten" field. Then you set Drop Action to Message and when a call drops it will play the message and terminate the call after.
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Re: End call message in Goautodial

Postby badrpedro » Fri May 18, 2012 5:04 am

Hello !
First thank you for the clarifications,
then can you tell me were can i dial this extension (8167) ? , and how can i record the message and even if there is an option to upload a music to the server to be played for Drop Action: MESSAGE ??

hope that is fine ? if not tell me and thanks again
VERSION: 2.4-309a
BUILD: 110430-1642

Kernel Version:2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP)
Distro Name:GoAutoDial CE 2.1
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Re: End call message in Goautodial

Postby williamconley » Sat May 19, 2012 2:15 pm

Well done, specs posted nicely.

8167 may be dialed on any phone registered to vicidial via admin->phones (assuming the context is "default").

8167 is how you record the message. alternately, you can use Audacity (avilable free from sourceforge.net) to record in the proper format and upload via the "Audio Store".

Reading the Vicidial Manager's Manual is very helpful in this regard.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: End call message in Goautodial

Postby badrpedro » Mon May 21, 2012 5:49 am

First thanks to you for your help !
and if you can tell me were can i found this subject in the (free) manual thats will be grate !
also with vocalcom this message is just chose from we gonna say somethink like the audio store , there is no option like this in vicidial to do it ?? (play msg and hung up the costumer) witrhout recrod or select extensions .... ? :(
thank's for responding and help !

VERSION: 2.4-309a
BUILD: 110430-1642
Kernel Version:2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP)
Distro Name:GoAutoDial CE 2.1
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 5:25 am

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